Kindness Facts
Engaging in acts of kindness produces endorphins, the brain’s natural painkiller!
Perpetually kind people have 23% less cortisol (the stress hormone) and age two times slower than the average population!
Helping others increases energy! “About half of participants in one study report that they feel stronger and more energetic after helping others; many also reported feeling calmer and less depressed, with increased feelings of self-worth” -Christine Carter
Observing the positive impact of giving on the lives of others can elicit contagious feelings of joy.
Giving to others reduces depression and improves well-being. Stephen Post of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine serves as president of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love. -Stephen Post of Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine serves as president of the Institute for Research on Unlimited Love
Committing acts of kindness lowers blood pressure. According to Dr. David R. Hamilton, acts of kindness create emotional warmth, which releases a hormone known as oxytocin. Oxytocin causes the release of a chemical called nitric oxide, which dilates the blood vessels. This reduces blood pressure and, therefore, oxytocin is known as a "cardioprotective" hormone. It protects the heart by lowering blood pressure.
Like most medical antidepressants, kindness stimulates the production of serotonin. This feel-good chemical heals your wounds, calms you down, and makes you happy!