Antitrust Compliance Search updated -2/7/25 at 4:42 p.m.

Note: this page and its database are updated first thing in the morning and at the end of every business day. If you've recently completed the training, your name will not appear until after the next scheduled update.

CTR members can use the form below to check if they have completed the mandatory antitrust video for 2025. If your search comes up as "No results found,” or the office name does not match yours, then our records indicate you did not successfully complete the video.  Note that you must have selected “I have watched the video” under the Member Video Requirement drop down menu that is located near the bottom of the video page, and then click the "Continue" button in order for your record to reflect you’ve watched the video.

Be sure you search the version of your first and last name as it appears in your REALTOR membership record.

First Name
Last Name