CTR Strives for Inclusion for All

Diversity, equity and inclusion shall guide how we cultivate our leaders, our decisions and our industry. We believe DEI drives the best decisions to build and maintain a culture where differences are valued.

Connecticut REALTORS is committed to bringing awareness and education to our members.  We remain dedicated to taking actionable steps to help rectify discriminatory practices that unfairly impact people of color. Our goal will always be to improve the lives of our members and the public we serve.

Billboard Campaigns Throughout the State of Connecticut 

Summer 2020, Winter 2021, Spring 2022CTR Billboard: Hate Can Have No Home in CT

Winter 2021 and Spring 2021
CTR Billboard: Good Neighbors Come in All Colors

28 Days of Black History

CTR's 28 Days of Black History project highlighted important moments in our history as well as provides inspiration and information for a better tomorrow.

Mandatory Course 

The mandatory course for CT Real Estate License Renewal "Understanding and Preventing Racial Bias in Real Estate" is available to take virtually. CTR hopes this course will help all real estate licenses to recognize discourage and prevent any instances of racial bias or discrimination in their daily business interactions. To learn more about registering for this course, contact your local board.

Check out these brief videos highlighting some of the topics covered in the course. 

Video: Day 2 - Mandatory CE Course

Video Thumbnail - Black History Day 9 - Microagressions

Video - 28 Days of Black History Day 16

Video: Day 23 - Renter Testing